How is Solar Power Converted to Electricity?

Solar power works by capturing the energy from the sun and turning it into electricity for your home or business.

Our sun is a natural nuclear reactor. It releases energy in the form of photons which travel 150 million kilometers to Earth. Every hour, enough photons reach our planet to generate enough solar power to satisfy global energy needs for an entire year.

When photons hit a solar cell, they knock electrons loose from their atoms. These electrons flow through a circuit and generate electricity. Multiple solar cells make up a solar panel and multiple panels are wired together to form a solar array. The more panels you deploy the more power you can expect to generate.

Solar panels generate DC electricity similar to a battery.  We have to use inverters to convert this DC electricity into AC electricity which can then be used to power household appliances, computers, machinery and industrial equipment.


Why use solar power at your home?

Many homeowners are installing solar power systems to reduce their reliance on Eskom, lower their electricity bills, and make their homes more environmentally friendly. Most electricity in a home is used in the early mornings and evenings and not during the day when solar power production is at it’s maximum.  For this reason we recommend using an off grid or hybrid system with lithium battery storage to store solar power generated during the day and make use of all this stored energy to power your household lighting and appliances at night.

The battery storage system system provides backup power in the event of load shedding or power failures.


Why use solar power at your business?

Businesses are perfectly suited for solar power as most electricity is used during the sunshine hours of the day when solar energy production is at it’s best. Cooling requirements for businesses also increase as the day gets warmer and peak in the middle of the day. Grid tied solar power systems are ideal for commercial business as the sunshine hours overlap with energy requirements. We design and install solar power systems from 6kW up to 500kW grid tied systems for commercial business use.


Why use solar power at your business?

Businesses that make use of large industrial machinery are perfectly suited for solar power as most electricity is consumed during the sunshine hours of the day when solar energy production is at it’s best. Cooling requirements for industrial businesses also increase as the day gets warmer. Grid tied solar power systems are ideal for industrial business energy requirements as the sunshine hours overlap with energy requirements. We design and install solar power systems from 6kW up to 1MW grid tied systems for commercial and industrial use.